“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close

Leadership &

Management Training

Leadership and management training is more than being a subject matter expert.

In fact, leadership and management training requires an understanding of soft skills. These are the skills that help you build relationships with your team and get them excited about the work they do. They include things like empathy, patience, and communication skills. Creative Counseling Solutions can help develop your leaders soft skills to support them in becoming better managers.

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Suicide & Risk Prevention Programs

Suicide is a difficult topic to talk about, but it's one that businesses need to address.

It's important for business leaders to understand that suicide prevention isn't just humane—it's good for business. When employees feel supported and cared for, they're more likely to show up each day with their A-game. In turn, this helps build an environment where people are able to do their best work and be productive.

By creating a culture of health and safety—both physical and mental—businesses can foster an environment where people feel safe enough to ask for help when they need it most and where everyone feels empowered to speak up about any issues that might be affecting them personally or professionally.

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06 Dec, 2022
Corporate mental health facilitators are helping companies support their employees with mental health programs.
06 Dec, 2022
Companies can support employees, improve employee satisfaction, and increase productivity by addressing mental health in the work place.
06 Dec, 2022
Watch as EJ Dahlquist explain how the Moffitt Cancer Center uses string painting, a practice used in arts & medicine.
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